Проверяет наличие недопустимых UTF8 символов в строке.
Функция ничего не делает если опция get_option( 'blog_charset' )
не равна одному из utf8, utf-8, UTF8, UTF-8
Для тестов есть специальный текст с недопустимыми UTF-8 символами. В нём примеры многих нарушений UTF-8, включая одиночные начальные байты, пропущенные байты продолжения, чрезмерно длинные последовательности и т.д.
Хуков нет.
Строку. Проверенный текст.
wp_check_invalid_utf8( $string, $strip );
#1 Проверка работы функции
$examples = [ 'Valid ASCII' => "a", 'Valid 2 Octet Sequence' => "\xc3\xb1", 'Valid 3 Octet Sequence' => "\xe2\x82\xa1", 'Valid 4 Octet Sequence' => "\xf0\x90\x8c\xbc", 'Valid 5 Octet Sequence (but not Unicode!)' => "\xf8\xa1\xa1\xa1\xa1", 'Valid 6 Octet Sequence (but not Unicode!)' => "\xfc\xa1\xa1\xa1\xa1\xa1", 'Invalid 2 Octet Sequence' => "\xc3\x28", 'Invalid Sequence Identifier' => "\xa0\xa1", 'Invalid 3 Octet Sequence (in 2nd Octet)' => "\xe2\x28\xa1", 'Invalid 3 Octet Sequence (in 3rd Octet)' => "\xe2\x82\x28", 'Invalid 4 Octet Sequence (in 2nd Octet)' => "\xf0\x28\x8c\xbc", 'Invalid 4 Octet Sequence (in 3rd Octet)' => "\xf0\x90\x28\xbc", 'Invalid 4 Octet Sequence (in 4th Octet)' => "\xf0\x28\x8c\x28", ]; $result = []; foreach ( $examples as $key => $value ) { $result[ $key ] = wp_check_invalid_utf8( $value ); } var_dump( $result );
array(13) { ["Valid ASCII"]=> string(1) "a" ["Valid 2 Octet Sequence"]=> string(2) "ñ" ["Valid 3 Octet Sequence"]=> string(3) "₡" ["Valid 4 Octet Sequence"]=> string(4) "�" ["Valid 5 Octet Sequence (but not Unicode!)"]=> string(0) "" ["Valid 6 Octet Sequence (but not Unicode!)"]=> string(0) "" ["Invalid 2 Octet Sequence"]=> string(0) "" ["Invalid Sequence Identifier"]=> string(0) "" ["Invalid 3 Octet Sequence (in 2nd Octet)"]=> string(0) "" ["Invalid 3 Octet Sequence (in 3rd Octet)"]=> string(0) "" ["Invalid 4 Octet Sequence (in 2nd Octet)"]=> string(0) "" ["Invalid 4 Octet Sequence (in 3rd Octet)"]=> string(0) "" ["Invalid 4 Octet Sequence (in 4th Octet)"]=> string(0) "" }
Список изменений
function wp_check_invalid_utf8( $string, $strip = false ) { $string = (string) $string; if ( 0 === strlen( $string ) ) { return ''; } // Store the site charset as a static to avoid multiple calls to get_option(). static $is_utf8 = null; if ( ! isset( $is_utf8 ) ) { $is_utf8 = in_array( get_option( 'blog_charset' ), array( 'utf8', 'utf-8', 'UTF8', 'UTF-8' ), true ); } if ( ! $is_utf8 ) { return $string; } // Check for support for utf8 in the installed PCRE library once and store the result in a static. static $utf8_pcre = null; if ( ! isset( $utf8_pcre ) ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged $utf8_pcre = @preg_match( '/^./u', 'a' ); } // We can't demand utf8 in the PCRE installation, so just return the string in those cases. if ( ! $utf8_pcre ) { return $string; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged -- preg_match fails when it encounters invalid UTF8 in $string. if ( 1 === @preg_match( '/^./us', $string ) ) { return $string; } // Attempt to strip the bad chars if requested (not recommended). if ( $strip && function_exists( 'iconv' ) ) { return iconv( 'utf-8', 'utf-8', $string ); } return ''; }